Hurricane Season: Planning and Preparation for Severe Storms

The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season has begun (June 1st to November 30th, 2020). Now is the time to create or update a disaster plan in preparation for severe storms and hurricanes. The following links include various resources from government agencies, our advice for protecting life and property, and additional insurance related advice for the hurricane season.

FEMA hurricane season guides for everyone and for businesses

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has made available downloadable documents for individuals and businesses to help prepare for the hurricane season. Planning and preparing can make a big difference in safety and resiliency in the wake of a hurricane. Click on the links below to download these useful guides.

Getting ready, forming a hurricane plan, and what to do in the event of a storm

Below are links to articles which I’ve written that provide further guidance for the storm season.

More resources provided by Ready, a National public service campaign, can all be found at which has been updated with additional helpful information due to the Coronavirus.

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