Mysterious Disappearance or a Theft

Mysterious Disappearance or a Theft Insurance Loss?

One of the common covered perils under a property policy, such as homeowners insurance, is theft. A theft is evidenced by forcible signs of entry or exit from the location in which the loss occurred. This evidence can include things such as a broken window, a pried open door, or scratches or marks on a window or door frame where a thief attempted either entry or exit from a location. If these physical signs are not present then a loss may be categorized as mysterious disappearance.

Where a property policy typically provides coverage for theft it does not insure against mysterious disappearance.

Personal inland marine as well as commercial inland marine type policies which specifically schedule or provide blanket coverage to objects generally do grant coverage for mysterious disappearance. Property which is scheduled on a personal inland marine floater generally include jewelry, fine arts, silverware, furs and other items which usually increase in value over time. The mechanism by which an insured or insurer agree to the value of these objects is an appraisal which typically must be updated every two to three years. Commercial inland marine policies which are designed for items that are in motion such as contractor’s equipment, tools and other mobile machinery are scheduled and a value assigned so that a loss may be properly covered.

These are the types of nuances in coverage that we at Rolfs Insurance Services strive to explain and educate our clients to be sensitive to.

Open communications and conversations where we get to know our clients’ needs are key to developing a proper plan of insurance in order to provide correct coverage. Please do not hesitate to give us a call or send an email with respect to this or any other issue where you may have a question. If you have any family, friends or other acquaintances that may need assistance with any insurance question we would be happy to provide assistance.

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